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Showing posts from October, 2019

Seasonality and the Correlation with Days on Market

Credit for graphic: Chris Butterworth and Simple MLS Charts I ran across this great graphic that did a great job of telling the story of the seasonality in the Arizona Real Estate market and how it correlates to the days a house is on market before it is sold. There are a couple of things I want to point out before we jump into my thoughts on this. First, please take note that this is looking at the last 3 year’s trend. Second, by way of explanation, the orange downward sloping line is the trend line and the blue line with the dots are the actual data points that represent a recorded closing for each month. The dates are along the bottom and the days on market are noted on the left side of the chart. So with those items established, let’s jump into explaining what we are looking at here. So as we are looking at the chart we can see a very gradual trend overall towards shorter days on market (orange line), but within that is some very obvious seasonality trends. Look at Janu